Tufts University recognizes and understands that some individuals filing complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct or who are otherwise involved in an investigation may want their identity to remain anonymous. In all cases, issues of privacy must be balanced against the University's need to thoroughly investigate and to take appropriate action.

OEO reviews all reports received and assesses allegations to determine if further investigation is possible and required. OEO will prioritize reports from/about current community members (e.g. current students, current employees and current patients, etc.). Reports received from third parties, including but not limited to parents, alumni or non-Tufts affiliated and anonymous reporters, will be assessed to determine if OEO has jurisdiction based on the nature and detail of the allegation received to enable further investigation. Due to privacy requirements, OEO is not able to share information with third parties who are reporting on behalf of a Tufts student or employee. In certain circumstances, depending upon the type of allegation or policy implication, OEO may refer a matter to a more appropriate Tufts university administrator and OEO will then defer to their investigative process for their response and handling of the matter. For more information about policies used as part of OEO’s assessment, visit https://oeo.tufts.edu/policies-procedures/. For more information about reporting options, visit https://oeo.tufts.edu/reporting/.

This is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service

Contact campus or local police if you feel this matter requires immediate response.
Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) 617-627-6911 or x66911

Items marked with a diamond are required fields.

Incident Details

Incident Description
(WHO, WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN, if known)
(Ex: “Monday, April 2nd in the afternoon; the week of May 23rd ; sometime in May of this year”.)
Previously Reported
(Select One)


Incident Location

Campus, School, Department, & Area
(Select One)
(Select One)

(Select One; Provide any additional specifics in the "Location/Address" field below.)

(Select One)
Physical Location
  • Exact Address, at the Library, etc.
  • In the lab, certain classroom, etc.
  • Off campus address, location or function


Identification & Contact Information

 (Please note that by choosing not to identify yourself; it may limit the University's ability to address this matter.)
(Select One)
Name & Contact Information
(Select One)

Preferred method of contact.
(Select One)


Include the area code, extension,
and/or dialing codes if applicable.

Include the area code, extension,
and/or dialing codes if applicable.
(Format: username@domain.com)
(Select One)
What is your relationship to the victim?
(Select One)

Participants (Including but not limited to the responsible parties, victims, witnesses, and/or others.)

(Select One)


Non-Retaliation Statement

Any member of the Tufts University community has the right to raise concerns or make a complaint regarding discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct without fear of retaliation.

It is a violation of Tufts University policy to retaliate against an individual for filing a complaint of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct or cooperating in an investigation of alleged discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct. Any person at Tufts University found in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from school.

If you have any questions or concerns about this non-retaliation statement please contact Jill Zellmer, Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity by email at jill.zellmer@tufts.edu or 617-627-3298.




(Passwords must be at least four(4) characters in length.)

Please allow 48 hours for Tufts University to review and respond to your incident. If you feel this issue requires more immediate action please contact TUPD at 617-627-6911 or x66911

When you submit this report, you will be issued a Report Key. Please write this information down along with your password, in a secure and private place. Neither your report key, nor your password, can be recovered, or reset once this report has been submitted.

Using your Report Key and Password you can "Follow-Up" on this report by logging into tuftshelpline.ethicspoint.com

Follow-up will allow you to:

  • Upload documents
  • Response to follow-up questions
  • Provide additional information


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